A Pioneering Engineer and Gaming Innovator
Now, imagine if I had known more about him when I was younger. I only discovered his story later in life. Like so many other pioneers, I wish I had learned about him sooner. While I never expected the curriculum to highlight figures like him, I’ve come to realize how many influential individuals were overlooked. Learning about him as an adult has been eye-opening, and I’m committed to doing everything I can to ensure Gerald “Jerry” Lawson’s contributions are never forgotten.
Gerald “Jerry” Lawson was a true pioneer of modern gaming, leading the team that created the first home gaming system with interchangeable cartridges.
Read more about Gerald Lawson below.
In the 1970s, in the fledgling days of the video games industry, an engineer named Gerald “Jerry” Lawson designed one of the earliest game consoles, the Channel F, and also led the team that invented the game cartridge, a defining innovation in how games were made and sold.
Click here to read more.