From Shockwave to Flash: How Lisa Gelobter Shaped Interactive Web Media and Gaming
How many of you spent hours playing Flash games? I remember tinkering online with Shockwave. Do you remember that plug-in? Better yet, do you remember Macromedia? Some of the younger folks visiting this site might be wondering, “What’s that?” Well, it was the technology that made a whole load of fun—games, multimedia, and more—possible on the early web. Of course, it was later bought by Adobe.
But who knew that Lisa Gelobter, a pioneer in online media and early web development, played a key role in developing Shockwave? Her work laid the groundwork for interactive gaming and animations online, and was foundational to what eventually became Flash technology, widely used in early online games. Well, I didn’t know until later, and now you do.
Read more about Lisa Gelobter below.
Lisa Gelobter, a computer scientist and digital media pioneer, is best known for her contributions to the development of the animated graphics interchange format (GIF) – the widely-used file format that allows the creation of short, animated images that are now an integral part of the internet. Her innovative work in the field of computer animation has made her one of the most influential figures in the history of digital media.
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